Turner Publishing Company
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Make Stuff Together

Bernadette Noll / Kathie Sever

21,99 €
inkl. 7% MwSt.
 mit Adobe-DRM

24 simple projects to create as a familyDuring these uncertain times, families around the country are slowing down, reconnecting, and getting back to basics. One of the best ways for families to share experiences and meaningful time together is through the art of crafting, sewing, and recycling.Make Stuff Together gives you 24 projects to build family connections while being creative and truly enjoying your time together. The authors have uniquely broken down projects into manageable chunks for the shorter attention spans of children?enabling even smaller kids to accomplish bigger projects.Projects promote the slow family movementA fun variety of useful finished pieces and suggestions on where to find materialsBrimming with full-color photographyWhether you're a mom looking for innovative projects for your kids, or a seasoned sewer and advocate of the slow family movement, Make Stuff Together gives you 24 projects for getting back to basics.

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