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Дела и ужасы Жени Осинкиной. Портрет неизвестной в белом.

Marietta Chudakova

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"Portrait of Unknown Woman in White" - the second book of the epic adventures of extremely topical of Zhenya Osinkina and her friends. Author of the book - Marietta Omarovna Chudakova, the famous historian and scholar literature of - love and cares of her characters, but felt compelled to send them all the more dangerous things. She knows that good can conquer evil and be sure to win it - but on one condition: the heroes must make bold and honest deeds, they have to fight against evil, for which no one will. This time of Zhenya Osinkina wife, Petya, Tom Murphy, Sanaa - opera, and all who help them, we have to enter into mortal combat with the Siberian drug lords ... Marietta Chudakova was born January 2, 1937 in Moscow. Russian literary critic, historian, Ph.D., writer, memoirist, social activist. Chudakova graduated from the Moscow school number 367, then in 1959 - the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University. Started to be published in 1958. In the years 1959-1961 she taught Russian language and literature at the school. In 1964, after graduate school, she defended her thesis for the degree of candidate of philological sciences. From 1965-1984 she worked in the Manuscript Division of the State Library of the USSR. In 1980 he defended thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philology. Since 1985, began teaching at the Literary Institute, where she worked at the department of modern Russian literature. Since 1988, as a Visiting Professor taught at several American and European universities. Since 1991 - Member of the European Academy. Author of over 700 scientific papers and articles on the history of literature of the XX century, the history of philology and literary criticism. The main area of research interests Chudakova - history of Russian literature of the Soviet period (especially the work of Mikhail Bulgakov, E. Zamyatin, M.Zoshchenko, Kozyrev). Since the late 1980s, along with the historical and literary work, a lot of writing about sharp political and social issues of Russian reality.

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