Dig. Wass.

I will never tell

Katherine Mackenzie

7,99 €
inkl. 7% MwSt.

"One secret. One will. Five heirs. • New in the series "New World Thriller". The story of a brutal massacre committed twenty years ago and still unsolved. • Atmospheric thriller with many characters. Everyone has a piece of common secret. The heroes will either have to solve it, or break family ties forever. • The author invites his heroes to return to the crime scene after twenty years. The ghosts of the past, conflicting memories and selfish motives of those who hide the truth await them. A terrible tragedy at the Macau children's camp. The battered body of Amanda Holmes was found in a boat at the pier. Anyone who was with her that evening can be involved. Everyone keeps a secret piece of the puzzle leading to the solution. Twenty years later, after the sudden death of the McAllisters, the owners of the Macau camp, their children flock to a family meeting to read the will. According to the last will, they receive the camp, but they will not be able to sell it until they uncover the secret of the terrible attack on Amanda. In an attempt to unearth secrets buried deep in the past, the McAllisters cling to every little detail and soon begin to suspect each other. Each of them is hiding something. Can they find the truth together without destroying families? "

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