Dig. Wass.

Jacinda Ardern: A New Kind of Leader

Madeleine Chapman

33,99 €
inkl. 7% MwSt.

Catapulted onto the international stage with her grace and compassion following the Christchurch mosque shooting, Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern is a leader for a new generation. The world's youngest female head of government, and only the second elected world leader to give birth while in office, Ardern describes herself as a progressive and a social democrat. In this revealing biography, journalist Madeleine Chapman discovers the woman behind the headlines. Politically engaged from an early age, Ardern has encountered her fair share of sexism, but rather than let that harden her, she advocated 'rising above' critics. In her first press conference, she announced an election campaign of 'relentless positivity' - the tactic was a resounding success. But can Ardern live up to her promise? And what can we learn from the world's reaction to this inspiring leader?

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