
Hacer Ciencia

Héctor Maletta

Dig. Wass.

Hacer Ciencia

Héctor Maletta

Este libro parte del estudio de la ciencia como actividad y presenta guías prácticas para diseñar proyectos, realizar investigaciones, publicar resultados y participar en la tarea colectiva de ...

Dig. Wass.


Francis Bacon

Dig. Wass.


Francis Bacon

Francis Bacon (1561-1626) stellte die traditionellen Forschungsmethoden seiner Zeit in Frage und bot gleichzeitig eine Alternative an. So sollte das Wesen der Dinge nicht mehr durch deduktive Schl...

Dig. Wass.


European Conference

Dig. Wass.


European Conference

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the p...

Dig. Wass.

Cannabis Chemistry and Biology


Cannabis Chemistry and Biology

<p>This book serves as an introduction to graduate students and early career researchers on chemistry and botany of the cannabis plant. Cannabis botany, propagation, biotechnology, chemistry...



RIck Strassman

Dig. Wass.


RIck Strassman

Ein praktischer Führer zur Nutzung von Psilocybin, LSD, Ketamin, MDMA und DMT/Ayahuasca. Dieses Werk des US-amerikanischen Forschers und Bestsellerautors Rick Strassman (bekannt durch seine k...

Dig. Wass.

Hypothesen moderner Physik

Peter Jonalik

Hypothesen moderner Physik

Peter Jonalik

Mit den hier erwähnten Theorien, die teilweise noch unbestätigt manchmal auch umstritten sind. Manchmal auch als Science Fiction abgetan werden. Erging es nicht Jules Verne oder Leonardo daVinci...


Adaptación a la variabilidad climática

Isabel Cristina Bolaños Portilla


Adaptación a la variabilidad climática

Isabel Cristina Bolaños Portilla

El cambio climático (CC) se refiere a la modificación a largo plazo del clima producida por uno o más de los siguientes factores: i) cambios internos dentro del sistema climático; ii) interacc...


Pandemics and Resilience: Lessons we should have learned from Zika

David M. Berube

Dig. Wass.

Pandemics and Resilience: Lessons we should have learned from Zika

David M. Berube

<p>The aim of the book was to produce the most comprehensive examination of a pandemic that has ever been attempted. By cataloging the full extent of the Zika pandemic, this book will be the...

Dig. Wass.

Goodbye, Dr Banda

Alexander Chula

Dig. Wass.

Goodbye, Dr Banda

Alexander Chula

'You may never have been, may never go, may never even have heard of the place – but Malaŵi will repay your attention. It is one of the smallest, poorest countries in Africa, often overlook...

Dig. Wass.

Broca's Brain: Reflections on the Romance of Science

Carl Sagan

Dig. Wass.

Broca's Brain: Reflections on the Romance of Science

Carl Sagan

The book "Brock's Brain" is a deep and poetic story of an outstanding astronomer and astrophysicist about romance and responsibility, risks and prospects of science. What place does it...

Dig. Wass.

She Has Her Mother's Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity

Carl Zimmer

Dig. Wass.

She Has Her Mother's Laugh: The Powers, Perversions, and Potential of Heredity

Carl Zimmer

About heredity and human heritage in the broadest sense. It's not just about the sequence of nucleotides in nuclear DNA. What parents pass on to their children is influenced by a whole host of...

Dig. Wass.

Mama's Last Hug: Animal and Human Emotions

Frans de

Dig. Wass.

Mama's Last Hug: Animal and Human Emotions

Frans de

Do animals experience pride, shame, guilt, or disgust, just like we humans do? Do they have a sense of justice and gratitude? Can dogs laugh and mourn, can elephants console each other, or can mon...

Dig. Wass.

Trouble With Testosterone: And Other Essays on the Biology of the Human Predicament

Robert M.

Dig. Wass.

Trouble With Testosterone: And Other Essays on the Biology of the Human Predicament

Robert M.

Robert Sapolsky, professor of biology at Stanford University and bestselling author of The Biology of Good and Evil, presents a brilliant collection of essays on various aspects of behavioral biol...

Dig. Wass.

Death from the Skies!: The Science Behind the End of the World

Philip Plait

Dig. Wass.

Death from the Skies!: The Science Behind the End of the World

Philip Plait

At first, the reader of this book may get the impression that the universe is just waiting for its apocalypse. But is it really worth being afraid of black holes, gamma-ray bursts and supernovae? ...

Dig. Wass.

Life's Edge: The Search for What It Means to Be Alive

Carl Zimmer

Dig. Wass.

Life's Edge: The Search for What It Means to Be Alive

Carl Zimmer

How to distinguish living from non-living? Where is the border between them? At first glance, children's questions. Nevertheless, scientists and philosophers have not been able to come up with...

Dig. Wass.

Microcosm: E. coli and the New Science of Life

Carl Zimmer

Dig. Wass.

Microcosm: E. coli and the New Science of Life

Carl Zimmer

E. coli, or E. coli, is a microorganism that we encounter almost daily, but which is one of the most important tools of biological science. Many major events in the history of biology are associat...

Dig. Wass.

To Explain the World: The Discovery of Modern Science

Steven Weinberg

Dig. Wass.

To Explain the World: The Discovery of Modern Science

Steven Weinberg

The book of one of the most famous scientists of our time, Nobel laureate in physics, Ph.D. Steven Weinberg is an exciting and encyclopedically complete history of science. This is a fundamental w...

Dig. Wass.

A Field Guide for Science Writers: The Official Guide of the National Association of Science Writers

Deborah Blum / Mary Knudson / Robin Marantz

Dig. Wass.

A Field Guide for Science Writers: The Official Guide of the National Association of Science Writers

Deborah Blum / Mary Knudson / Robin Marantz

The modern media is full of news about global warming, stem cell research, biological weapons, or the ethical issues of studying our genes. Never before has the dialogue between the world of scien...

Dig. Wass.

Routledge Handbook of Public Communication of Science and TeChnology

Massimiano Bucchi / Brian Trench

Dig. Wass.

Routledge Handbook of Public Communication of Science and TeChnology

Massimiano Bucchi / Brian Trench

The Handbook on Public Relations in Science and Technology, edited by Massimiano Bucchi and Brian Trench, is the most detailed overview of the most important issues, prospects and current state of...

Dig. Wass.

Computational Physics

Michael Bestehorn


Computational Physics

Michael Bestehorn

<p>The work shows, by means of examples coming from different corners of physics, how physical and mathematical questions can be answered using a computer. Starting with maps and neural netw...


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