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The adventures of the little angels Hunti and Goldielocks

Martina Hambrecht

3,99 €
inkl. 7% MwSt.

An incredible and unusual, but true Fairy Tale happens on an equally exceptional.Tell two people who do not know that they are the angels hunti and Goldielocks and many adventure must consist,to be at all angels to.You live in a place where neither the space nor the time have a meaning, up in the sky. So is their history, which is happening in the past, present and future, only in the present form and tells with vivid imagination. Despair, tears, hope, faith and trust, but also joy and above all the love, cause a felt chaos in the life of the two angels.Both try in their own way, to meet these challenges and to grow them.Like this also can happen when the people in real life.I wish you good Entertainment Martina Hambrecht

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