Toplink Publishing, LLC

My Bible Says the Darndest Things

Pricely D. Francis

3,49 €
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<p>God did not want humans to “become as one of us.” Why? God condemns the mixture of wool and linen in your clothing but not slavery or polygamy! Israel was compelled to eat manna for forty years, yet they had animals for flesh and milk, flour, oil, leaven and honey. The imminent return of Jesus is two thousand years delayed but still deemed imminent! My Bible Says The Darndest Things shines a light on the most incredible, yet easily missed claims the Bible makes. If human experience is evolving but the Bible is locked into the values, beliefs and ignorance of past millennia, how can it be relevant today? This book demonstrates that hard won rights, dignity and progress made all round by modern humans would melt in a cauldron of religious ignorance and abuse if the Bible or any other ancient holy book is given preeminence in today’s world.</p>

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