Dig. Wass.

Intuition: Your Silent Thunder Expanding Your Multi-Sensory and Multi-Dimensional Self Awareness

Michael Edward Bradford

5,99 €
inkl. 7% MwSt.
 mit Dig. Wass.

Your INTUITION, also known as your gut feeling and sixth-sense, is always present and active—all of the time—patiently waiting, wanting to assist, help and support you. The question is: "Are you ready and willing—right now—to consciously choose to invite, welcome, fine-tune and fully develop your INTUITION and to receive the many precious free gifts it offers you?" In this easy-to-follow guidebook, Michael guides, teaches and empowers you. He lays a firm foundation for understanding what INTUITION is and the history of INTUITION in the Western world; he then introduces you to the many ways your INTUITION communicates with you. Michael also includes many real-life examples of how INTUITION can be used to facilitate life-changing breakthroughs. Regardless of whether you are just starting to get in touch with your INTUITION, or are a well-seasoned, professional intuitive or energy healer, this book will increase your awareness and guide you to much higher levels of joy, health, happiness, peacefulness, effectiveness, efficiency, harmony and abundance. Reading this book is like enjoying a delicious, mouth-watering gourmet meal. Take your time, activate all of your senses, and savor the information in this book. Many gifts await you as you invite and accept your INTUITION into your everyday life. Michael is available for Private Healing Sessions, as well as Personal and Business Coaching. He also offers Intuition and Healer Training Programs. For further information, please contact Michael. His other books include: The Healing Energy of Your Hands and Mastering the Human Experience: Your Soul's Journey on Earth.

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