Church Publishing Inc.
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Same-Sex Unions

Paul V. Marshall

12,99 €
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"e;Bishop Marshall has given us a pastoral gift. He has brought to life ways that the liturgy and worship of the Church can nourish and support Christians who are of the same gender contemplating life long covenant unions in Christ. Bringing together the mind of a scholar and the heart of a pastor, Bishop Marshall has given birth to a work that can help us grow as a community of faith in which all who seek to follow Jesus are helped and supported on their journey. I am honored to commend this work to the church."e;The Rt. Rev. Michael B. Curry, Bishop of North Carolina Same-Sex Unions, a contribution to the continuing debate on the church's pastoral care, offers biographical vignettes of two committed couples who have had their unions liturgically blessed in church and also contains complete texts of several same-sex rites, together with liturgical analysis and reference to secondary literature.

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