
Lernen mit ADHS-Kindern

Claudia Oehler / Armin Born

Dig. Wass.

Lernen mit ADHS-Kindern

Claudia Oehler / Armin Born

ADHS-Kinder leiden sehr häufig unter Lern- und Leistungsschwierigkeiten, die ihren Lebensweg stark beeinträchtigen. Schlechte Noten, Klassenwiederholungen, Schulwechsel und -abbrüche führen zu...

Dig. Wass.

Lernen mit ADHS-Kindern

Claudia Oehler / Armin Born

Dig. Wass.

Lernen mit ADHS-Kindern

Claudia Oehler / Armin Born

ADHS-Kinder leiden sehr häufig unter Lern- und Leistungsschwierigkeiten, die ihren Lebensweg stark beeinträchtigen. Schlechte Noten, Klassenwiederholungen, Schulwechsel und -abbrüche führen zu...

Dig. Wass.

Das agile Mindset. Vor-und Nachteile des agilen Mindsets und seine Bedeutung für die agile Führung

Izabela Pashova

Dig. Wass.

Das agile Mindset. Vor-und Nachteile des agilen Mindsets und seine Bedeutung für die agile Führung

Izabela Pashova

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2023 im Fachbereich Psychologie - Arbeit, Betrieb, Organisation, Note: 2,0, Hamburger Fern-Hochschule, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Fragen ...

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Kak vyzhit', esli tebe 20: Rukovodstvo po uspeshnomu startu kar'ery i samostoyatel'noy zhizni

Al'bert Sagiryan

Dig. Wass.

Kak vyzhit', esli tebe 20: Rukovodstvo po uspeshnomu startu kar'ery i samostoyatel'noy zhizni

Al'bert Sagiryan

How do you find something you love if everything around you seems uninteresting? What to do to build an equal relationship with your parents? How to properly spend your time if you are a student? ...

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Maksimal'nyy repost: Kak socseti zastavlyayut nas verit' feykovym novostyam

Borislav Kozlovskiy

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Maksimal'nyy repost: Kak socseti zastavlyayut nas verit' feykovym novostyam

Borislav Kozlovskiy

Conspiracy theories, rumors and fake news are what we deal with every day. Lies are spread by our friends, relatives and even ourselves. Neither education nor the ability to reason logically prote...

Dig. Wass.

Prisoners of Our Thoughts: Viktor Frankl's principles for discovering meaning in life and work

Alex Pattakos

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Prisoners of Our Thoughts: Viktor Frankl's principles for discovering meaning in life and work

Alex Pattakos

Why are some people dedicated and inspired to their work - even the most routine? Why are they easier than others to cope with difficult and confusing circumstances at work and at home, do not get...

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Tools for Helpfull Souls

Ilse Sand

Dig. Wass.

Tools for Helpfull Souls

Ilse Sand

Surely you have happened more than once to be a "vest" for friends and relatives, when all the emotions that overwhelm the interlocutor are literally poured on you. As a result, it becomes...

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Game of Thrones Psychology: The Mind is Dark and Full of Terrors

Travis Langley

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Game of Thrones Psychology: The Mind is Dark and Full of Terrors

Travis Langley

What makes millions of fans of the series look forward to new episodes of the saga, in which the good guys never win, and death is often the reward for honor and deed? Maybe we are trying to guess...

Dig. Wass.

Savner du én? Guide til at hele en beskadiget relation - eller give slip

Ilse Sand

Dig. Wass.

Savner du én? Guide til at hele en beskadiget relation - eller give slip

Ilse Sand

The book by Ilse Sand, a psychotherapist and author of the international bestsellers Close to Heart and Compass of Emotions, is about losing touch with loved ones. We often worry that we have stop...

Dig. Wass.

Say Hello to Your Shame: How to Let Go of Fear to be Wrong

Ilse Sand

Dig. Wass.

Say Hello to Your Shame: How to Let Go of Fear to be Wrong

Ilse Sand

This feeling sits deep in us, it is not customary to spread and discuss it even with close people. We all sometimes do things that we later become ashamed of. Shame is a strong and painful feeling...

Dig. Wass.

Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking

Christopher Hadnagy

Dig. Wass.

Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking

Christopher Hadnagy

Has it ever happened that a person called you and introduced himself as a bank employee? Or did you receive a letter with a link that, fortunately, you did not follow? The technologies by which at...

Dig. Wass.

Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life

Martin E. / P. Seligman

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Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life

Martin E. / P. Seligman

The dynamically developing modern world does not do us any favors, and sometimes even strong-willed people give up under the pressure of daily tasks and problems. We are increasingly identifying o...

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Stumbling on Happiness

Daniel Gilbert

Dig. Wass.

Stumbling on Happiness

Daniel Gilbert

People spend a lot of effort, energy and resources to make themselves happy in the future: they enter into mortgages for decades, dreaming of their own housing, take out loans at extortionate inte...

Dig. Wass.

Lyubit'. SChitat': Kak postroit' krepkie i zdorovye otnosheniya na osnove finansovoy nezavisimosti

Svetlana SHishkina

Dig. Wass.

Lyubit'. SChitat': Kak postroit' krepkie i zdorovye otnosheniya na osnove finansovoy nezavisimosti

Svetlana SHishkina

In our country, in many life situations, it is the woman who is the least protected side. And the financial component of this protection is an acute problem for many. The author of the book, journ...

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PsyChovampires: A Positive ApproaCh to Energy Suckers

Connie Voigt / Hamid Peseschkian

Dig. Wass.

PsyChovampires: A Positive ApproaCh to Energy Suckers

Connie Voigt / Hamid Peseschkian

This book is about learning how to stand up to toxic people if life has brought you into contact with them without giving you an immediate escape. People, communication with which takes away all y...

Dig. Wass.

Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long

David Rock

Dig. Wass.

Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus, and Working Smarter All Day Long

David Rock

About how the human brain works. Why do smart people sometimes act illogically and recklessly? For example, do they spend time on secondary tasks, forgetting about the main thing? Loading themselv...

Dig. Wass.

The Honest Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone - Especially Ourselves

Dan Ariely

Dig. Wass.

The Honest Truth About Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone - Especially Ourselves

Dan Ariely

Most of us consider ourselves honest people, but in fact, we all lie from time to time, sometimes without even realizing it. A new book by Dan Ariely, bestselling author of Predictable Irrationali...

Dig. Wass.

Type Talk: The 16 Personality Types that Determine How We Live, Love, and Work

Otto Kroeger / Janet M.

Dig. Wass.

Type Talk: The 16 Personality Types that Determine How We Live, Love, and Work

Otto Kroeger / Janet M.

People are different from each other, and this often leads to conflicts and mental suffering. However, understanding the nature of these differences - the 16 personality types - will make our live...

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The Dude and the Zen Master

Bernie Glassman / Jeff Bridges

Dig. Wass.

The Dude and the Zen Master

Bernie Glassman / Jeff Bridges

The dude from the Coen Brothers movie The Big Lebowski is a cult character and a true Zen master. Actor Jeff Bridges, who brilliantly played the role of Dude, in addition to participating in film ...

Dig. Wass.

Think Like a Freak: The Authors of Freakonomics Offer to Retrain Your Brain

Steven Levitt / Stephen Dubner

Dig. Wass.

Think Like a Freak: The Authors of Freakonomics Offer to Retrain Your Brain

Steven Levitt / Stephen Dubner

Freak-thinking is bright, "wrong", but effective thinking. It helped King Solomon to authenticate motherhood, Australian gastroenterologist Thomas Borody to find the true cause of stomach ...

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