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The Secrets of the Lord

Dr. Marvel Lang

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The Secret(s) of the Lord is about the aspects of God that bring us into a closer relationship with Him, and those things that we should do to receive the benefits of His covenant with us. It explores six topics in particular: Fear the Lord; Praise; Worship; Tithing and Giving; Prayer; and Fasting. These six things are considered secrsts because we think we know and understand them. Yet, there are things about each topic that we still do not grasp without deeper study. This book provides more understanding on these topics.Beside being afraid of His might and power, to fear the Lord also means to reverence and worship Him We must understand what it means to reverence and worship Him in ordeer to understand what it means to fear Him.Many churches practice what they call praise and worship. Yet, these are not the same and are not practiced together in the Bible. They are two separate and distinct acts in the Bible. In this book we learn what is praise and what is worship; when and how to praise and worship.Tithing and giving are acts of faith and involve trusting God to do what His word promises. This book explores the history of these acts and discusses the faithfulness involved in practicing them. It argues that tithing wss the law for the Old Testament church, but giving is the way for the church under the new covenant.Fasting and prayer are two acts that can be practiced together and are most effective when they are carried out together. Prayer helps us establish a closer relationship with God by talkin to and listening to Him. Fasting helps to prepare ourselves to communicate closer with Him. Fastin is both a spiritual and physical act.

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