Simple Steps to a Life-Long Habit of Enjoyable & Rewarding Reading

How to Read More

Martin Udogie

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It doesnt take days or weeks or months to read a book. It takes hours. READ MORE explains how. Most people readily admit that reading books is beneficial, and wish they could read a bit more, and in some cases, a lot more. But most people also have what seem like perfectly valid excuses for not reading, chief among which are lack of time, work-load and responsibility. Yes, they all seem perfectly understandable excuses until you read this book, and discover accounts of people going out of their way to indulge in the habit, from Rudi Giuliani, who, as New York Mayor during 9-11, finally arrived home at past 2 A.M. on the night of that fateful day, and still picked up a book to read; to Barack Obama who went on a one-week vacation in 2010, with over 2,300 pages of reading; to George W. Bush whose formula for reading was to enter into a reading contest with his top presidential aide, Karl Rove. Then there is the challenge of the 99% majority, for whom affordability might also be a ready excuse. Yet, Dr. Ben Carson, today a world-famous neurosurgeon and bestselling author, traces his turnaround to the reading habit instilled in him in fifth grade by his single mother who wasnt even literate at the time. And there are several other examples. But what of the other 1%, the rich and famous, for whom, time is priceless? Bill Gates as CEO of Microsoft had a Think Week, dedicated to reading. And as Singapore Prime Minister, Lee Kuan Yew took out time to recharge his batteries at Harvard. A commitment to a regime of habitual reading takes more than mental conviction. It takes doing. And unlike what most people have come to believe, reading a book doesnt take days or weeks. It takes hours. This book demonstrates how, and reveals other simple steps that anyone can follow, to develop a life-time habit of enjoyable reading, and reap its rewards.

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