
99 Ways to Be Kind

Sean Homsher M.S.Ed.

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Do we live in a friendly, or an unfriendly universe? No less a mind than Albert Einstein once said, this is the most important question we can ask ourselves as human beings. 99 Ways To Be Kind, describes 99 different things you can do to make your world a friendlier place. Whether at home or in the car, for yourself, your family, or the planet you live on, here are 99 acts you can now attach meaning and significance to, which will help you feel better and live healthier, all while becoming aware of the multiple opportunities and environments there are to display kindness, and the positive impact that small actions can have nourishing the worlds collective soul. Saints of all faiths and artists who feel the creative flow of the universe have always known how to do this, but now its time for you and I to become more aware and practice Random Acts Of Kindness And Senseless Acts Of Beauty, to make the universe we live in a truly friendly place.

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