David Yeates / Brian Wiegmann
Columbia University Press
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Evolutionary Biology of Flies

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Flies (Dipteria) have had an important role in deepening scientists' understanding of modern biology and evolution. The study of flies has figured prominently in major advances in the fields of molecular evolution, physiology, genetics, phylogenetics, and ecology over the last century. This volume, with contributions from top scientists and scholars in the field, brings together diverse aspects of research and will be essential reading for entomologists and fly researchers.Contributors:Michael Ashburner, University of Cambridge; Nora J. Besansky, University of Notre Dame; Daniel J. Bickel, Australian Museum; Sarah Boulter, Griffith University; Peter Cranston, University of California at Davis; Neil Davies, University of California at Berkeley; Rob DeSalle, American Museum of Natural History; W. J. Etges, University of Arkansas; J. L. Feder, University of Notre Dame; K. E. Filchak, University of Notre Dame; Philip M. Johns, University of Maryland; Margaret G. Kidwell, University of Arizona; Roger Kitching, Griffith University; Conrad C. Labandiera, Smithsonian Institution; Rudolf Meier, National University of Singapore; David Merritt, University of Queensland; George Roderick, University of California at Berkeley; Sonja J. Scheffer, USDA-ARS-PSI; Michael F. Whiting, Brigham Young University; Brian M. Wiegmann, North Carolina State University; Gerald S. Wilkinson, University of Maryland; David K. Yeates, CSIRO Entomology

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