
Rettet unsere Wälder!

Georg Meister

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Rettet unsere Wälder!

Georg Meister

<strong> Die Deutschen lieben ihren Wald. Sagt man. Doch unsere Wälder sind krank und liegen im Sterben. Georg Meister fordert eine Waldwende: zum Klimaschutz und um den Wald für zukünfti...

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Nanotecnología viva

Sonia Contera

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Nanotecnología viva

Sonia Contera

Sonia Contera, catedrática de Física en la Universidad de Oxford, ofrece una perspectiva privilegiada de la «nanoescala» —el reino infinitesimal de las proteínas y el ADN— y revela cómo ...

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Lateral Thinking: An Introduction

Edward De

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Lateral Thinking: An Introduction

Edward De

Not all the tasks that life sets before us can be solved with the help of logic. Sometimes the skill of sequential thinking instilled in us in childhood turns out to be useless, because it is requ...

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Healthy Brain, Happy Life: A Personal Program to Activate Your Brain and Do Everything Better

Wendy Suzuki / Billie Fitzpatrick

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Healthy Brain, Happy Life: A Personal Program to Activate Your Brain and Do Everything Better

Wendy Suzuki / Billie Fitzpatrick

World-famous neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki woke up one morning and realized that, by and large, she was a loser. Having great merits in the scientific field, she has not achieved anything in her per...

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Five Minds for the Future

Howard Gardner

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Five Minds for the Future

Howard Gardner

We live in a time of cardinal changes, intensive globalization, an increase in the flow of information that needs to be adequately perceived and interpreted. We are witnessing an ever sharper clas...

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Pain: The Science of the Feeling Brain

Abdul Ghaalig

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Pain: The Science of the Feeling Brain

Abdul Ghaalig

Pain is a universal defense mechanism necessary for survival and one of the main ones in the body's signaling system. Since it is extremely difficult to ignore, it quickly draws our attention ...

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The Well-Tuned Brain: Neuroscience and the Life Well Lived

Peter Whybrow

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The Well-Tuned Brain: Neuroscience and the Life Well Lived

Peter Whybrow

This book is about what underlies all our actions - from the most rational to the most insane, what influences our social behavior and the decisions that we make for our own good and harm, the for...

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The Genius of Birds

Jennifer Ackerman

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The Genius of Birds

Jennifer Ackerman

For centuries, people have belittled the talents of their feathered counterparts, considering them "mindless", driven only by instincts and capable of only the simplest mental processes. T...

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BEHAVE: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst

Robert M.

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BEHAVE: The Biology of Humans at Our Best and Worst

Robert M.

As the famous primatologist and neuroscientist Robert Sapolsky says, if you want to understand human behavior and the nature of a good or bad deed, you have to understand literally everything - bo...

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What It's Like to Be a Dog: And Other Adventures in Animal Neuroscience

Gregory Berns

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What It's Like to Be a Dog: And Other Adventures in Animal Neuroscience

Gregory Berns

What is it like to be a dog? A bat? Dolphin? Can we humans understand this? Now yes, thanks to the scientific work of neuroscientist and popular author Gregory Burns. Together with his colleagues,...

Dig. Wass.

How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog): Visionary Scientists and a Siberian Tale of Jump-Started Evolution

Lyudmila Trut / Lee Alan

Dig. Wass.

How to Tame a Fox (and Build a Dog): Visionary Scientists and a Siberian Tale of Jump-Started Evolution

Lyudmila Trut / Lee Alan

Somewhere far away in Siberia live furry four-legged creatures, lop-eared and affably wagging their tails. They are no less friendly and obedient to humans than any lap dog. But these are not dogs...

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Genesis: The Deep Origin of Societies

Edward Wilson

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Genesis: The Deep Origin of Societies

Edward Wilson

Of all the animals that have ever existed on Earth, only one species has reached the human level of intelligence and social organization - we humans. Why? The only way to answer this question, the...

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How to Be a Good Creature: A Memoir in Thirteen Animals by Say Montgomery

Sy Montgomery

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How to Be a Good Creature: A Memoir in Thirteen Animals by Say Montgomery

Sy Montgomery

In this stunning, poetic and life-affirming book, US National Book Award finalist Cy Montgomery talks about 13 animal friends who have played an important role in her life. Each animal is wonderfu...

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Protiv chasovoy strelki: CHto takoe starenie i kak s nim borot'sya

Polina Loseva

Dig. Wass.

Protiv chasovoy strelki: CHto takoe starenie i kak s nim borot'sya

Polina Loseva

Scientists have been looking for a cure for old age for more than a hundred years, but so far, it seems, they have not found anything. Does this mean it doesn't exist? Or maybe they're jus...

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Hlopok odnoy ladon'yu: Kak nezhivaya priroda porodila chelovecheskiy razum

Nikolaj Kukushkin

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Hlopok odnoy ladon'yu: Kak nezhivaya priroda porodila chelovecheskiy razum

Nikolaj Kukushkin

Life on Earth is an incomprehensible, omnipresent, teeming with millions of legs, knots, thorns and teeth bacchanalia in which we exist and from which we originate. For three and a half billion ye...

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Rethinking Consciousness: A Scientific Theory of Subjective Experience

Michael Graziano

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Rethinking Consciousness: A Scientific Theory of Subjective Experience

Michael Graziano

Michael Graziano, professor of psychology and neuroscience at Princeton University, author of the now-famous attention schema theory, presents a new theory of consciousness. According to her, what...

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Mozg i ego potrebnosti: Ot pitaniya do priznaniya

Vyacheslav Dubynin

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Mozg i ego potrebnosti: Ot pitaniya do priznaniya

Vyacheslav Dubynin

To write a book on the neurobiology of behavior, Professor Dubynin was prompted by the success of his lecture course "The Brain and Needs". Biological needs are the foundation of our menta...

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Close Encounters with Humankind: A Paleoanthropologist Investigates Our Evolving Species

Sang-Hee Lee / Shin-Young Yoon

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Close Encounters with Humankind: A Paleoanthropologist Investigates Our Evolving Species

Sang-Hee Lee / Shin-Young Yoon

The book addresses a wide range of problems in biological anthropology. Among them: the reproductive strategy of fossil hominins and primates in general, the emergence of conscious paternity; upri...

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Becoming Wild: How Animal Cultures Raise Families, Create Beauty, and Achieve Peace

Carl Safina

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Becoming Wild: How Animal Cultures Raise Families, Create Beauty, and Achieve Peace

Carl Safina

Many believe that culture is an exclusively human phenomenon. But this book is about cultures whose bearers are not people: they are wild animals that inhabit the virgin regions of our planet. Kar...

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Trilobite. Eyewitness to Evolution

Richard Fortey

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Trilobite. Eyewitness to Evolution

Richard Fortey

Before us is the first popular science book in Russian about trilobites. Millions of years ago, these extraordinary animals of the most unimaginable shapes and sizes, predatory and gentle, crumbs ...

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