Guided Self-Hypnosis Exercises
Dig. Wass.

Healthy Weight & Body Image

14,99 €
inkl. 7% MwSt.

This research-based, state-of-the-art guided meditation for overeating and healthy behavior change draws on the power of hypnotic guided imagery, mindfulness practices, and affirmations to stop emotional eating and focus instead on healthy, appropriate eating for either weight loss or gain, healthy amounts of exercise, and a more loving and respectful attitude toward the body and the self.This program of self-hypnosis for body image and self-esteem was written and narrated by noted psychologist and behavioral health expert Traci Stein, whose superb voice and expert content delivers some of the most powerful and effective personal change tools in production today,and provides insight into how you may have used eating and exercise for purposes other than maintaining good health. The self-hypnosis for healthy eating offers a variety of powerful, evidence-based, natural tools for managing emotions, achieving the right weight for you, and developing a more loving and respectful body image.A variety of tracks on this masterful guided meditation for overeating offer versatile, skillfully crafted tools, scored to the exquisitely soothing music of Steven Mark Kohn, and produced by the Cleveland Orchestra's Bruce Gigax, to help you achieve healthy eating for weight loss, and show you how to stop overeating and emotional eating, naturally and instinctively. The track list is as follows:Introduction (5:26)Mindfulness (7:41)Loving Kindness (17:11)Imagery (22:54)""Body Powerful"" (9:45)Affirmations (13:19)Listen to some samples and see for yourself why this superb self-hypnosis for healthy weight and body image is recommended consistently by family and friends via word of mouth, and by health and mental health professionals, nationwide. (76 min.)

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